String Class is a widely used class in java. String Class represents a bunch of characters and is similar to a character array. String class has almost a dozen constructors and can be used to creat
TreeSet descendingIterator method
TreeSet descendingIterator method returns an iterator with the elements sorted in a descending order. When inserting any element into TreeSet it automatically gets sorted into its natural sorting o
TreeSet ceiling method examples
TreeSet ceiling method returns the closest element greater than or equal to the given element. Parameters:e – the value to matchReturns:the least element greater than or equal to e, or null i
LinkedHashSet in java basics and internal working
LinkedHashSet in java is part of the Collection framework. It implements the Set interface and extends the HashSet class. LinkedHashSet maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its ent
HashSet in java basics and internal working
HashSet in java is part of the Collection framework and implements the Set interface. Few points to remember about HashSet 1. HashSet internally uses HashMap to store elements/objects 2. HashSet st
CopyOnWriteArrayList listIterator method
The CopyOnWriteArrayList listIterator method returns a list iterator over the elements in the sequence they were inserted. As explained in the previous posts, CopyOnWriteArrayList creates its copy
CopyOnWriteArrayList iterator method
The CopyOnWriteArrayList iterator method returns an iterator over the elements in the sequence they were inserted. As explained in the previous posts, CopyOnWriteArrayList creates its copy when per
CopyOnWriteArrayList addAllAbsent method
CopyOnWriteArrayList provides a new method public int addAllAbsent(Collection<? extends E> c) , which adds all of the elements in the specified collection that are not already contained in this list, to the end of
CopyOnWriteArrayList addIfAbsent method
CopyOnWriteArrayList provides a new method public boolean addIfAbsent(E e), which adds elements only if that element is not present in the List. This is helpful when you need to add only unique
Add elements in CopyOnWriteArrayList
In this post we will see how to add elements in CopyOnWriteArrayList using below 2 methods 1. boolean add(E e) Appends the specified element to the end of this list. 2. void add(int index, E elemen